

Banghoek was originally known as ‘De Bange Hoek’ which is how it was indicated on a transport map of Zeven Rivieren in the year 1704. Not only was it dangerously steep but there were gangs, escaped slaves, lions, leopards and other wild animals in the dense forest area. Travelers were wary of this area because many were attacked by these animals and slaves that escaped from prison and thrown into the river. Apparently you still find leopards in these surrounding mountains today.

The road from Stellenbosch originally ran through Idasvallei over the farm Nazareth – today Glen Bourne – to the top of the neck at the farm Die Hel, whose name later became Rust and Vrede nowknown as Kylemore, over Bethlehem and through the Groot Drakenstein.

The owner of Die Hel made his income from toll money and accommodation to farmers making their way to and from the Cape. Today Banghoek is a proud sub region of Stellenbosch. Zorgvliet Wines is proud to be part of this history.

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